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EHFG 2023

EHFG 2023

Health systems in crisis - Countering shockwaves and fatigue

At the hybrid European Health Forum Gastein 2023, decision-makers, experts, and community members from the public and private sector, civil society, and science and academia came together to discuss how we can ride out the current shockwaves and explore how crises can help catalyse the development of new approaches to health system problems.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2023

Press Archive 2023

EHFG 2023: Health systems in crisis - Countering shockwaves and fatigue

At the hybrid European Health Forum Gastein 2023, decision-makers, experts, and community members from the public and private sector, civil society, and science and academia came together to discuss how we can ride out the current shockwaves and explore how crises can help catalyse the development of new approaches to health system problems.

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EHFG 2022

EHFG 2022

A moonshot for a true European Health Union - If not now, when?

Three years since the last onsite meeting in the Gastein Valley, the European public health community once more came together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) and its first ever hybrid conference. Discussions focused on the challenges and policy options for action urgently needed across sectors, borders, and disciplines at this watershed moment for peace, health, security, and solidarity.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2022

Press Archive 2022

EHFG 2022: A moonshot for a true European Health Union - If not now, when?

Three years since the last onsite meeting in the Gastein Valley, the European public health community once more came together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) and its first ever hybrid conference. Discussions focused on the challenges and policy options for action urgently needed across sectors, borders, and disciplines at this watershed moment for peace, health, security, and solidarity.

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Included media content

European Health Leadership Award 2021

European Health Leadership Award 2021


The European Health Leadership Award (EHLA) showcases and supports the achievements of individuals and organisations that display exceptional leadership in safeguarding or improving the health of people in Europe.

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EHFG 2021

EHFG 2021

Rise like a phoenix - Health at the heart of a resilient future for Europe

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and radically altered the political landscape. While we continue to fight fires and look towards an uncertain future, amidst the ashes of this unprecedented crisis there lies an opportunity for renewal and rebirth. Health is having a rare moment in the political spotlight: now is the time to fight for solidarity, equity and transformation in health, within Europe and on the global stage.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2021

Press Archive 2021

EHFG 2021: Rise like a phoenix - Health at the heart of a resilient future for Europe

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and radically altered the political landscape. While we continue to fight fires and look towards an uncertain future, amidst the ashes of this unprecedented crisis there lies an opportunity for renewal and rebirth. Health is having a rare moment in the political spotlight: now is the time to fight for solidarity, equity and transformation in health, within Europe and on the global stage.

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EHFG 2020

EHFG 2020

Dancing with elephants - New partnerships for health, democracy, business

The determinants of health and well-being are often driven by the interests of big players, which are not always aligned with public health agendas. In order to purposefully engage with these giants while safeguarding the interests of people, we need to conceptualise new partnership models – learn to “dance with elephants” - but we should be careful not to get our toes crushed. The COVID-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus the current fault lines in our systems and highlighted the need for true cross-sector and cross-border collaboration.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2020

Press Archive 2020

EHFG 2020: Dancing with elephants - New partnerships for health, democracy, business

The determinants of health and well-being are often driven by the interests of big players, which are not always aligned with public health agendas. In order to purposefully engage with these giants while safeguarding the interests of people, we need to conceptualise new partnership models – learn to “dance with elephants” - but we should be careful not to get our toes crushed. The COVID-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus the current fault lines in our systems and highlighted the need for true cross-sector and cross-border collaboration.

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Austrian Health Leadership Award 2020

Austrian Health Leadership Award 2020


In diesem Jahr richtete sich die Ausschreibung des jährlichen EHFG Health Leadership Awards an non-profit Organisationen sowie Einzelpersonen, die in Österreich tätig sind. Das Ziel: Innovatives Denken und herausragende Arbeit in Zusammenhang mit den Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie hervorzuheben und öffentlichkeitswirksam zu unterstützen.

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Included media content

EHFG 2019

EHFG 2019

A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal well-being

The 22nd edition of the European Health Forum Gastein concluded on the 4th of October with 600 leading health policy experts agreeing on the need for disruptive changes for health and societal well-being. Disruption can be critical to precipitating necessary changes and requires robust leadership and courageous collaboration. Only with joint efforts and platforms for candid exchange can we harness positive disruption, within the delivery system of healthcare as well as in what is being delivered

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Included media content

Press Archive 2019

Press Archive 2019

EHFG 2019: A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal well-being

Throughout the conference several press points gathered high-ranking experts to discuss some of the issues related to disruptive change for health and societal well-being such as the human touch in a digital world and global climate crisis.

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Included media content

European Health Leadership Award 2019

European Health Leadership Award 2019

A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal well-being

Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

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Included media content

Hackathon EHFG 2019

Hackathon EHFG 2019

A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal well-being

The EHFG hosted its second hackathon, jointly organised with EIT Health and with the organisational support of PROIDEA. A hackathon nurtures competition built upon collaboration and aims for an acquisition of knowledge, which is expected to bring forward new ideas. The application call was open to anyone interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2019

Young Forum Gastein 2019

Background information & materials

In 2019, 69 young professionals working in the field of health from EU Member States and beyond were awarded a scholarship. They participated in the #EHFG2019 conference as Young Forum Gastein scholars and were introduced to the YFG Network.

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Included media content

EHFG 2018

EHFG 2018

Health and Sustainable Development Bold political choices for Agenda 2030

The 21st edition of the European Health Forum Gastein, an event on the Austria EU presidency calendar, concluded on the 5th of October with 600 leading health policy experts agreeing on the need to make bold political choices for health system sustainability in Europe. Experts acknowledged the necessity to avoid reversing the strides achieved in improving health and well-being in Europe, and raised concerns about the possible impact of the 2019 European elections on the European health agenda.

“Health and Sustainable Development – bold political choices for Agenda 2030” was the broad theme that set the scene for forward-looking and solution-oriented discussions involving the European Commission, civil society representatives, key opinion leaders from the academic world, and private sector stakeholders from the pharmaceutical industry and beyond.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2018

Press Archive 2018

Health and Sustainable Development - Bold political choices for Agenda 2030

In this section you will find press releases and blogs by the European Health Forum Gastein, as well as press releases and publications about the EHFG2018 by our partners.

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European Health Award 2018

European Health Award 2018

Winner & short-listed projects

The Winner of this year's European Health Award is the "European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights: A catalyst for change and an empowerment tool for cancer patients across Europe".

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Included media content

Hackathon EHFG 2018

Hackathon EHFG 2018

Health and Sustainable Development - Bold political choices for Agenda 2030

This year, the European Health Forum Gastein hosted its first hackathon, jointly organised with EIT Health and with the organisational support of PROIDEA. A hackathon nurtures competition built upon collaboration and aims for an acquisition of knowledge, which is expected to bring forward new ideas. The application call was open to anyone interested in developing innovative solutions for health-related problems.

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Included media content

EHFG 2017

EHFG 2017

Health in All Politics - a better future for Europe

The discussions at the 20th EHFG aimed to dig deep, taking the technocratic concept of HiAP to the political level of policy implementation – Health in All Politics. Against a background of increasing populism and a post-truth era across Europe and beyond, the challenge to the EHFG on its twentieth anniversary is to build bridges between the different policy areas, guided by the European values of universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity.

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Included media content

Twenty Years

Twenty Years

Aniversary Edition - European Health Forum Gastein

In 2017, the European Health Forum Gastein celebrated its 20th anniversary. On this page, we want to take you on a journey back in time – explore the history of our Forum, European health policy, and the interlinkages between both.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2017

Press Archive 2017

Demographics & Diversity in Europe

A major feature of the EHFG is its broad range of topics: issues such as the refugee crisis and its impact on health systems are just as current as topics like the affordability of innovative medicines. Thus, the Gastein Forum is a meeting place for experts from different sections of the health system and beyond, and is fundamentally different from events which are specialised in highly restricted areas.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2017

European Health Award 2017

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: Gen-Equip Project


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2017

Young Forum Gastein 2017

Background information & materials

In 2017, 70 young professionals working in the field of health from EU Member States and beyond have been awarded the scholarship. They will participate in the #EHFG2017 conference as Young Forum Gastein scholars and will be introduced to the YFG Network.

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Included media content

EHFG 2016

EHFG 2016

Demographics & Diversity in Europe

The 2016 conference took place against a backdrop of concerns about the future, both in terms of the European political landscape and the challenges posed by demographic change - including population ageing, the rise of multimorbidity, increased societal diversity and migratory pressures.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2016

Press Archive 2016

Demographics & Diversity in Europe

Throughout the conference several press points gathered high-ranking experts to discuss some of the issues related to demographic change from various angles: the scope of the problem, economic implications and how to translate talk into action. Featuring Nobel Prize Laureate Paul Krugman.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2016

European Health Award 2016

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: European Antibiotics Awareness Day


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2016

Young Forum Gastein 2016

Background information & materials

The YFG celebrated its 10th anniversary. 70 young professionals working in the field of health from EU Member States and beyond were awarded the scholarship.

Learn more about the activities during the EHFG conference and throughout the year.

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EHFG 2015

EHFG 2015

Securing Health in Europe

The EHFG 2015 covered topics such as sustainable health systems and health economics. With the focus on health system performance, pricing of medicines and health security, including health threat responses, European development aid and health policy development.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2015

Press Archive 2015

Securing health in Europe

The press conferences at the EHFG 2015 addressed topics such as the refugee crisis and pricing of medicines. Among the high-ranking speakers were Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and Meinie Nicolai, President, MSF Operational Centre Brussels.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2015

European Health Award 2015

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: Health with Migrants for Migrants in Europe (MiMi)


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2015

Young Forum Gastein 2015

Background information & materials

76 young professionals working in the field of health from Member States of the European Union and beyond were invited to attend the 18th EHFG conference. The YFG network was also very active throughout that year.

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Included media content

EHFG 2014

EHFG 2014

Electing Health - The Europe we want!

The EHFG 2014 reflected on the opportunities and risks for health in light of the outcome of the recent European elections, and discussed how to maintain and improve the health of European citizens.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2014

Press Archive 2014

Electing Health - The Europe we want!

Issues discussed at the 2014 conference ranged from late-breaking topics like Ebola to more long-term health systems challenges, e.g. the need to implement a true shift to prevention. Press conferences included speakers such as Dr Alojz Peterle, MEP and Peteris Zilgalvis, DG CONNECT.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2014

European Health Award 2014

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: EpiSouth Plus Project

Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2014

Young Forum Gastein 2014

Background information & materials

77 young professionals were invited to attend the 17th EHFG. This year, scholarships were supported by the European Commission (DG Health and Consumers; DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology and the Joint Research Centre), ASPHER, and the Gastein Forum.

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Included media content

EHFG 2013

EHFG 2013

Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe

The 16th edition of the EHFG explored the relationship between austerity policies and necessary innovations in health care systems in order to keep them resilient. Experts looked for answers to the following three questions: 1) What are the key strategies to make health systems resilient? 2) What are the most important innovations to promote health system performance and resilience? 3) How can decision-makers best introduce and implement these innovations?

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Included media content

Press Archive 2013

Press Archive 2013

Resilient & Innovative Health Systems for Europe

Press conferences at EHFG 2013 were all about shock-proofing European health systems. Speakers came from diverse backgrounds and included Greek Minister of Health Adonis Georgiades and Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policy.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2013

European Health Award 2013

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: ReDNet Project. New and rapid forms of identification and dissemination of evidence-based information on novel psychoactive substances (NPS) among vulnerable individuals


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects. Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2013

Young Forum Gastein 2013

Background information & materials

75 young researchers and officials working in the field of health from Member States of the European Union and beyond have been awarded the scholarship. for the first time, a number of NGO representatives joined the YFG network.

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Included media content

EHFG 2012

EHFG 2012

Crisis & Opportunity - Health in an Age of Austerity

Health communication and the future development of healthcare were two of the key topics. We also looked at the performance of European health systems in times of economic crisis and both the challenges and new possibilities that such conditions create for healthcare.

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Included media content

Press Archive 2012

Press Archive 2012

Crisis & Opportunity - Health in an Age of Austerity

How can health systems provide affordable care for everyone? Improving efficiency in spending was one of the crucial topics of the EHFG 2012. Press points gathered representatives from ministries, EU institutions, the OECD, and agencies such as ECDC.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2012

European Health Award 2012

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: European Health Literacy Project (HLS-EU)


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2012

Young Forum Gastein 2012

Background information & materials

In 2012, 70 young researchers and officials working in the field of health from Member States of the EU have once again been invited to attend the EHFG conference. In addition, the WHO Regional Office for Europe contributed to the initiative, supporting several Young Gastein Scholars from Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

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EHFG 2011

EHFG 2011

Innovation and Wellbeing – European health in 2020 & beyond

The conference provided a timely opportunity to reflect on the United Nations High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), which had taken place just a few weeks previously.

Included media content

Press Archive 2011

Press Archive 2011

Innovation and Wellbeing – European health in 2020 & beyond

14th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2011

European Health Award 2011

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: Child Safety Report Cards – Prevention of accidents among children


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2011

Young Forum Gastein 2011

Background information & materials

73 young professionals were granted the YFG scholarship. The initiative has expanded not just in numbers and countries represented, but also in tasks and responsibilities during the EHFG conference.

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Included media content

EHFG 2010

EHFG 2010

Health in Europe - Ready for the Future?

This year was marked by the growing awareness that the future of health will be complex, with the pace of change accelerating and the boundaries blurring. The discussions have shown that demographic change, globalisation, individualism and new technologies are four trends that will shape our lives in future.

Included media content

Press Archive 2010

Press Archive 2010

Health in Europe - Ready for the Future?

13th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2010

European Health Award 2010

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: European Chronic Diseases Alliance


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2010

Young Forum Gastein 2010

Background information & materials

In 2010 the YFG Network reached 160 members. 71 young researchers and officials from 28 European countries working in the field of health were invited to attend the EHFG conference. Apart from actively participating in the general programme various YFG oriented events, such as a networking workshop and thematic working groups were scheduled.

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EHFG 2009

EHFG 2009

Financial Crisis & Health Policy

The focus in 2009 was on health policy in times of financial crisis to find appropriate solutions for a balanced interaction between the industry, health systems and patients.

Included media content

Press Archive 2009

Press Archive 2009

Financial Crisis & Health Policy

12th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2009

European Health Award 2009

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: European Practice Assessment (EPA)


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2009

Young Forum Gastein 2009

Background information & materials

We welcomed 72 young researchers and officials from the Member States of the European Union to the EHFG conference.

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EHFG 2008

EHFG 2008

Values in Health

Values as a guideline for human behaviour become increasingly important in a time when globalisation leads to the application of economic principles in many areas of life.

Included media content

Press Archive 2008

Press Archive 2008

Values in Health

11th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2008

European Health Award 2008

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: CAWT Renal Project


Detailed information about the winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2008

Young Forum Gastein 2008

Background information & materials

51 young professionals from Europe participated in the Young Forum Gastein. A special meeting with EU Commissioner for Health Androulla Vassiliou took place during the EHFG conference.

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Included media content

EHFG 2007

EHFG 2007

Shaping the Future of Health

The EHFG celebrated its 10th edition. Under the motto "10 Years Gastein – Shaping the future of health" main aspects and challenges of European health policy were discussed to develop solutions for the future.

Included media content

Press Archive 2007

Press Archive 2007

Shaping the Future of Health

10th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

European Health Award 2007

European Health Award 2007

Winner & short-listed projects

Winning project: European Alliance against Depression


Detailed information about the first-time winner and all shortlisted projects.

Press releases and photo archive are also available in this section.

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Included media content

Young Forum Gastein 2007

Young Forum Gastein 2007

Background information & materials

The Young Forum Gastein scholarship was initiated, to enable promising young health professionals to attend the annual EHFG conference for learning and networking. The initiative was established by the European Health Forum Gastein, with the support of the European Commission, DG Health and Consumers and DG Research, on the occasion of its 10th anniversary in 2007.

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EHFG 2006

EHFG 2006

Health sans frontiers

A range of timely and urgent topics were discussed within the framework of the main theme, among them health policy innovation, healthcare infrastructure, health professional migration, pandemics and European Health Technology Assessment.

Included media content

Press Archive 2006

Press Archive 2006

Health sans frontiers

9th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG 2005

EHFG 2005

Partnerships for Health

Debates on topics such as nutrition, eHealth, involvement of citizens as partners in health, research, the safety of medicines and healthy choices were at the centre of the 8th EHFG edition.

Included media content

Press Archive 2005

Press Archive 2005

Partnerships for Health

8th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG 2004

EHFG 2004

Global Health Challenges

Topics relating to values, principles and objectives of health policy in Europe were at the centre of the EHFG 2004. Further, issues that pose major challenges to health systems but are sometimes neglected, such as mental health, health at the workplace, women's health, were part of the programme.

Included media content

Press Archive 2004

Press Archive 2004

Global Health Challenges

7th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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EHFG 2003

EHFG 2003

Health & Wealth

The EHFG 2003 investigated a series of pivotal challenges for European health policy, among others pharmaceutical policy in Europe, a macro-economic view of the health sector and healthy ageing. Several timely issues such as crisis management and health policy against the backdrop of the SARS epidemy, safety and quality of human blood products in an enlarged Europe and patient oriented quality management in healthcare were also discussed.

Included media content

Press Archive 2003

Health & Wealth

6th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG 2002

EHFG 2002

Common Challenges for Health & Care

Topical issues such as patient mobility, the adaptability of healthcare systems in a changing environment and the future of public health research were discussed. Followed by inequalities in health and the resulting challenges for social policy, nutrition and food policy.

Included media content

Press Archive 2002

Common Challenges for Health & Care

5th edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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EHFG 2001

EHFG 2001

Integrating Health across Policies

The 4th edition addressed a major challenge to European health policy: the necessity of integrating health issues into different policy areas. The following topics were discussed: health policy against the background of globalisation and world trade, health policy in the context of the Single Market and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the relationship between health technology and health policy.

Included media content

Press Archive 2001

Integrating Health across Policies

Fourth edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG 2000

EHFG 2000

Information & Communication in Health

During the EHFG 2000 possibilities to communicate high-quality information about health, risks and disease to citizens were discussed. The increasingly significant role of IT applications in health systems was addressed and pros as well as cons were examined. The discussions about the future EU health strategy entered a decisive phase, the EHFG offering an excellent opportunity to put the EU Commission's proposals to a broader audience for debate.

Included media content

Press Archive 2000

Information & Communication in Health

Third edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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EHFG 1999

EHFG 1999

Health & Social Security

Experts coming from various sectors of health policy - science, economy, industry, politics, patient organisations – met to discuss the main topic and to create visions to shape the future of health policy in Europe. Topics, such as the quality of care, equity, the role of technology, research on rare diseases and the impact of biotechnology were on the agenda.

Included media content

Press Archive 1999

Health & Social Security

Second edition of the EHFG conference - press coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG 1998

EHFG 1998

Creating a Better Future for Health Systems in Europe

First edition of the EHFG conference. The programme included a range of sub-topics such as European Health Policy at the Turn of the Millennium, Global Development, National Responsibility and Regional Challenge in a Changing Europe and International Networks. The Gastein valley hosted 235 congress participants from 21 countries, the EU Member States and the membership candidates, as well as delegates from international organisations.

Included media content

Press 1998

Creating a Better Future for Health Systems in Europe

First edition of the EHFG conference - press and media coverage.

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Included media content

EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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