
Site Notice

European Health Forum Gastein

A: Tauernplatz 1, 5630 Bad Hofgastein, Austria
T: +43 6432 3393 270 | F: +43 6432 3393 271
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Das European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) organisiert die jährlich stattfindende gleichnamige gesundheitspolitische Konferenz. Ca. 500 hochrangige ExpertInnen und EntscheidungsträgerInnen nehmen an dieser Veranstaltung in Bad Hofgastein/Österreich teil, die eine einzigartige Plattform für den internationalen Erfahrungs- und Meinungsaustausch im Bereich der europäischen Gesundheitspolitik bietet.

Board members
Clemens Martin Auer , President | Günther Leiner, Honorary President
Ilona Kickbusch, Vice President | Franz Weichenberger, Treasurer
Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Richard Bergström, Nick Fahy, Josep Figueras, Isabel de la Mata, Yannis Natsis, Herwig Ostermann, Vesna Kerstin Petrič, Anniek de Ruijter, Miklós Szócska, Sonja Wehsely, and Ulrich Wiedmaier, 

Secretary general
Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb

European Health Forum Gastein

Responsible for the content: Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb

Editorial policy
This website and its associated services provide information about the European Health Forum Gastein, its activities and events.  

Liability notice: Despite careful examination of the content, we disclaim all liability for the contents of external links. Solely the operators of these linked pages shall bear responsibility for their contents.

Last updated: 25 June 2024


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EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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