For over twenty five years, the European Health Forum Gastein has worked to bring together its four pillars – public and private sectors, civil society, science & academia – to facilitate a frank but fair dialogue on health and policy by providing an impartial and inclusive platform for debate.
Publications 2024
Clippings 2024
30 August: EHFG-Präsident Clemens Martin Auer: „Wer den Gesundheitssektor unterminiert, untergräbt die demokratische Stabilität“ (Ingo)
30 April: Europe Grapples With Acute Healthcare Worker Shortage (Healthcare Digital)
10 April: Eluned Morgan appointed WHO Champion for the European Well-being Economy Initiative (World Health Organization)
19 March: Schritt für Schritt gegen Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen (FSW Bildungszentrum)
08 March: Women’s Health in the EU Political Discourse: Then and Now (Weber Shandwick)
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any further questions about the European Health Forum Gastein, our topics, etc.
EHFG Press Office