
Values in Health

01-04 October 2008, Bad Hofgastein

Values as a guideline for human behaviour become increasingly important in a time when globalisation leads to the application of economic principles in many areas of life.

Press releases

04 OCTOBER 2008

European Health Forum Gastein 2008 sets new record
Experts demand systematic implementation of ethical principles in the healthcare industry

03 OCTOBER 2008

Strengthening health systems: measuring pays out
“Iron Curtain” Separates a Sick and Health Europe
Social Determinants for the Improvement of Health Status
The Czech Republic and Sweden Present Health Priorities in the Coming EU Presidencies
Still Strong Potential for Better Efficiency and Quality through eHealth
Young people in the focus of the new EU health offensive

02 OCTOBER 2008

Tackling cancer in the EU: Why is innovation necessary?
Growing acceptance for advisory councils on ehtics
Patient Safety: Healthcare Systems must learn more quickly from mistakes
Better value for money with value-based pricing for medicines
The Healthcare System has to approach men and not sit back and watch them die
General Practitioners must be more firmly incorporated into measures for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle
Young Forum Gastein: Network for junior managers in EU Health Policy
International cooperation indispensable in the battle against "rare diseases"

01 OCTOBER 2008

European Health Forum Award goes to Irish-Northern Irish Project on caring for patients with kidney disease
Network of European Medicine Authorities to strengthen position with respect to pharmaceutical industry
Healthcare system needs binding set of accepted principles
Record number of participants at the European Health Forum Gastein

Prior to the EHFG conference

The frequency of error in healthcare has failed to decline in 20 years | (EN) 29.09.2008
Costs and Benefits: Targets for Responsible Health policy | (EN) 22.09.2008
European Health Forum Gastein: The Source of Ideas for EU Health Policy | (EN) 08.09.2008
Informal Meeting of regional Health Ministers | (EN) 28/29.08.2008
Working Breakfast on the crossborder healthcare directive | (EN) 15.07.2008

EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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