
Partnerships for Health

05-08 October 2005, Bad Gastein

The EHFG 2005 took place from 5th to 8th October in Bad Gastein and attracted a record number of participants. Nearly 600 delegates from 60 countries came to Gastein in order to take part in forums and workshops organised around the general theme "Partnerships for Health". Markos Kyprianou had his first appearance at an EHFG as the new EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection.
The parallel fora hosted debates on topics such as nutrition, eHealth, involved citizens as partners in health, research, the safety of medicines and healthy choices. The United Kingdom organised a workshop on patient safety within the framework of the EU Presidency and Austria provided an insight into the upcoming EU Presidency's priorities. Other special interest sessions focused on health care fraud prevention, health and wealth as well as complementary medicine.

Press releases

05-08 OCTOBER 2005

EHFG: a think tank for European health policy
EHFG opening: European Health Forum Gastein breaks all records
Biosimilars: Biosimilar medicines cause new risks
Forum 1: Nutrition - Risk prevention begins in childhood
Forum 2: eHealth requires harmonisation across Europe
Forum 4: European Commission presents concept for future research programme
Forum 6: Immigrants are stepchildren of healthcare systems
Forum 6: Low health literacy costs Europe millions
L3: Inappropriate use of medication puts a bigger strain on health budget than smoking
L4: International coordination in health policy is becoming increasingly important
WS 2: Mobilising against fraud
WS 4: 100 million European citizens already benefit from complementary medicine
WS 5: Austria puts diabetes and women's health on EU agenda
WS 9: Palliative care still unsatisfactory throughout Europe
EU Commissioner Kyprianou urges rapid action against danger of bird flu
Summary: European Health Forum Gastein was a full success

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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