
Innovation and Wellbeing – European Health in 2020 and Beyond

05-07 October 2011, Bad Hofgastein

The conference provided a timely opportunity to reflect on the United Nations High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), which had taken place just a few weeks previously.

Press releases

07 OCTOBER 2011

“Innovation must be put at the service of the patient"– says EU Health Commissioner John Dalli
Health care for elderly not "zero sum" resource competition
Making life better - and cutting costs by 50%
“Common sense” ways of improving the way we live
Improving health care capacities encompasses more activities than curative health services
Staying at work with a chronic disability
Tobacco expert calls for complete EU ban
Europeans with rare diseases now gaining improved access to orphan drugs
Speeding up ICT in Europe’s health systems
Child Safety Card wins European Health Award 2011
EU Commissioner Dalli at the European Health Forum Gastein: “More innovation to do more with less”
EHFG President Leiner: Finance to resolve crisis in nursing care “Should come from new EU transaction tax”

06 OCTOBER 2015

Demographic change in Europe “a ticking time-bomb”
IRDC social innovation intelligent control: innovative health financing models
Personalized medicine could help to save 100 billion euros in annual health care costs
“Doctors at the heart of stopping measles” says head of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Experts address “vaccine confidence gap”
Experts call for action to meet special health needs of EU’s migrants
How to balance the books – pay by results?
Friends and family as responsible as health care professionals for personal health, global survey finds
Cross-border health threats: build international trust urges UK health security expert
Patients’ mobility “strong incentive for enhancing quality of care”
Health services staff shortfall by 2020 being filled by migrants

05 OCTOBER 2011

Globalisation requires coordinated health policy approach - experts discuss reform of the WHO
Learning from East’s reform rollercoaster ride
Plugging the gaps in Europe’s health security
Diseases of civilisation breaking economic growth
Staying young – with a little help from our friends
EHFG Founder-President Prof Günther Leiner: EU health services “suffering from virus”
Health Minister Stoeger Opens European Health Forum Gastein - plea for solidarity in healthcare systems

Prior to the EHFG conference

Invitation - reminder 14th European Health Forum Gastein | (EN) 15.09.2011
Innovation & wellbeing: Living longer – but are we living better? | (EN) 08.09.2011
European Health Award 2011 - the shortlisted projects | (EN) 31.08.2011
Invitation and programme announcement for the 14th European Health Forum Gastein| (EN) 20.07.2011
EHFG 2011: lifestyle diseases as a central topic | (EN) 04.07.2015
European Health Forum Gastein calls for applications for the 2011 European Health Award | (EN) 19.04.2011

EHFG News & Updates

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EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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