
EHFG 2020: Dancing with elephants

New partnerships for health, democracy, business


The determinants of health and well-being are often driven by the interests of big players, which are not always aligned with public health agendas. In order to purposefully engage with these giants while safeguarding the interests of people, we need to conceptualise new partnership models – learn to “dance with elephants” - but we should be careful not to get our toes crushed. The COVID-19 pandemic has put into sharp focus the current fault lines in our systems and highlighted the need for true cross-sector and cross-border collaboration.

Press releases

EHFG 2020 Programme Announcement (DEU | ENG)

EHFG 2020 Programme Update (DEU | ENG)

EHFG 2020 Opening (DEU | ENG)

EHFG 2020 Write-up Day 1 (DEU | ENG)

EHFG 2020 Write-up Day 3 (DEU | ENG)

EHFG Closing (DEU | ENG)

Press Releases by Partners

Joint press release ECPC EFPIA: Principles of a European Cancer Dashboard.

Press release EuroHealthNet: The impact of the pandemic on inequalities in physical and mental health

Publications & Press

Publications 2020

Healthy Europe - EHFG 2020 edition

Clippings - EHFG Webinars 2020

11. September: Access to a COVID-19 vaccine (Healthy Policy Watch)

Clippings - EHFG 2020

16. September: AMR - the next pandemic? (Open Access Government)

23. September: Trustworthy AI For Health (Interview with Casper Klynge)

24. September: WHO, the pandemic and Europe’s new global health leadership role (Interview with Ilona Kickbusch)

01. October: EU Member States must work more closely in the fight against COVID-19 (Interview with Andrea Ammon)

01. October: Call for a reboot of post-pandemic health systems (Genva Solutions)

01. October: Corona & Politik - mit Unsicherheit umgehen lernen (Der Standard)

02. October: Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic (Health Europa)

05. October: Time for a European Health Union (by MEP Mohammed Chahim)

07. October: Europe: developing new partnerships for health (WHO)

09. October: Health systems stumble on ‘Long COVID’ as crisis grows (POLITICO)

27. October: Covid-19: French sidelining of patient associations is a global trend (BMJ)

29. October: Now or never? Digital transformation of healthcare in Europe (Health Europa)

30. October: Looking beyond COVID-19 (The Parliament Magazine)


Blog posts by the Young Gasteiners


EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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