
Electing Health - The Europe we want!

01-03 October 2014, Bad Hofgastein

The European Parliament elections, the elections for the President of the European Commission and the new College of Commissioners in 2014 earmarked an important year for European politics in general and for health policy in Europe in particular. In order to meet visions of a social and prosperous Europe, we need politicians and stakeholders who will champion smart, sustainable and inclusive policies while maintaining strong values such as universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity. However, there are concerns about an increased eurosceptic presence in the new European Parliament and what that could entail for health.

The EHFG 2014 reflected on the opportunities and risks for health in light of the outcome of the current European elections, and discussed how to maintain and improve the health of European citizens.

Press releases

03 OCTOBER 2014

EU single health market strengthens the mobility of patients and of knowledge (EN)
Survival of social health insurance at stake (EN)
Experts present new recommendations to foster personalised medicine (EN)
EHFG 2014: Prestigious European Health Award goes to Mediterranean project to counteract cross-border threats to health (EN)

02 OCTOBER 2014

EHFG 2014 on the Ebola crisis: Strong health care systems are the best defence against epidemics (EN)
Europe faces shortfall of health workers (EN)
Undocumented migrants: often denied the human right to medical care (EN)
“eHealth ready for rollout”, experts say (EN)
Data linkage key to improved health care efficiency (EN)
Experts call for strong Primary Health Care (EN)

01 OCTOBER 2014

EHFG President Prof Brand: Health sector can make benefits of a strong Europe clear (EN)
MEP Peterle: Health systems need a true shift to prevention (EN)
Experts call for bringing public health expertise into EU’s fiscal governance and policy (EN)
Hearing loss: a challenge to public health that must be heard (EN)
Preventable blindness puts a billion euro burden on European economies (EN)

Prior to the EHFG conference

European Health Award 2014: Six projects shortlisted | (EN) 27.08.2014
Reminder: 17th European Health Forum Gastein: "Electing Health - The Europe We Want" Salzburg, October 1 to 3, 2014 | (EN) 23.09.2014
„Electing Health – The Europe We Want!“ | (EN) 21.07.2014

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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