
Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europe

2-4 October 2013, Bad Hofgastein

The future development of health and health systems was at the core of this EHFG edition.

We have built on last year’s topic of Health in an Age of Austerity by taking the discussion further and asking: “What can we learn from the current financial and political crisis and how can we react in a resilient and innovative way for better population health and more effective health systems?” Recent struggles with the impact of the crisis have shown us the urgent need to rethink current policies and approaches. The following questions were addressed in the plenary sessions:

  • What will future resilient health systems look like?
  • On which innovative health system approaches should we concentrate?
  • Are policy-makers stepping up to the challenges of the future?

Press releases

04 OCTOBER 2013

Generic drugs are no panacea
New consensus paper calls for EU action on health literacy
EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg at the European Health Forum Gastein
Commission leads a discussion on improving access and combating discrimination in healthcare with a focus on vulnerable groups
Europe’s mobile health sector is booming
Great advances in cancer treatment, but gaps in access to therapies
“More Europe not less in Health Policy”
Health and TTIP – Call for full health integration at the EU level

03 OCTOBER 2013

EU-US Free Trade Agreement would have major effects on health care systems
People living with schizophrenia suffer from social exclusion
The prestigious European Health Award goes to a prevention project for identifying new psychoactive substances
80.000 patients a day contract healthcare-associated infections in Europe
Survey reveals sizeable gap between citizens’ desire to self-care and their access the means to do
Lifestyle diseases pose threat to health systems and national economies
Experts call for more non-public resources to relieve Europe’s cash-strapped health budgets

02 OCTOBER 2013

Investments in health are vital for social and economic prosperity
Underestimated psychosocial burdens from diabetes
Knowledge Translation - Bridging the gap between scientific findings and health policy
Problematic alcohol consumption damaging Europe´s economies
EU Presidency trio opens European Health Forum Gastein: “Health is not just about costs, it’s about investing in growth"
Europe’s health systems must be made crisis-proof
Innovation in health care should slow down costs, not accelerate them

Prior to the EHFG conference

Experts’ verdict on 20 year EU health mandate: successes so far, expansion needed | (EN) 22.05.2013 | (EN) 22.05.2013
European Health Forum Gastein 2013: “Shock-proofing” Europe's health system | (EN) 29.05.2013
Primary care: strengthening the health system's first port of call | (EN) 17.05.2013
European Health Forum Gastein partner at Maastricht University event on EU health mandate | (EN) 15.05.2013
International Forum Gastein calls for applications for the 2013 European Health Award | (EN) 16.04.2013
16 European Health Forum Gastein 2013, Resilient and Innovative Health Systems in Europe | (EN) 05.07.2013
European Health Award 2013: Six shortlisted projects with a patient-centred focus | (EN) 22.08.2013
Innovation as a way of making health care systems resistant to crisis | (EN) 13.09.2013

Press releases by our partners

Policymakers and experts to explore concrete steps to achieve better mental health for a healthier economy | (EN) 02.10.2013
Gastein participants dissect renewed mental health delivery models | (EN) 03.10.2013
Policy makers, scientific experts and industry join expertise to address mental health at the workplace | (EN) 04.10.2013

EHFG News & Updates

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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