
Financial Crisis and Health Policy

30 September-02 October 2009, Bad Hofgastein

The focus in 2009 was on health policy in times of financial crisis to find appropriate solutions for a balanced interaction between the industry, health systems and patients.

Press releases

02 OCTOBER 2009

Key stakeholders should share the responsibility of balancing the benefits and risks from new medicines, as the EBE workshop debated during the European Health Forum Gastein
EU Commissioner Vassiliou Warns of Budget Cuts in Healthcare
Approximately 30 Million EU Citizens Suffer from a “Rare Disease”
EHFG 2009: Health Policy between Ethics and Finances
The Hospital of the Future: Paying for Beds Was Yesterday
Gender-Specific Differences in Health Are Larger in the New EU Countries
Association of key vaccines with judicious antibiotic use turns out to be an efficient strategy against antibiotic resistance

01 OCTOBER 2009

Integrated Care Works If Incentive Systems Exist
Medtec Industry Sees Five Key Factors as a Way to Better Healthcare
Economic Crisis Threatens Access to Health and Social Services
Economic Crisis: Saving Banks or Lives?
New Study on Cancer Underscores Need for More Innovative Funding Research and a Rethink in Regulation
Cutting Costs with Medical Technology Innovations
Biotech Crisis Puts Brakes on Pharma Research


EU Experts Present “European Statistical System” for the Area of Healthcare
Threat of communicable diseases to become significantly worse in the future
Innovation in existing biotech medicines to benefit patients
“European Practice Assessment” Wins Health Award 2009
European Health Forum Gastein 2009 - Focused on the Economic and Financial Crisis

Prior to the EHFG conference

Strong Participation in the European Health Forum Gastein | (EN) 29.09.2009
Economic Crisis Threatens Access to Health Services | (EN) 16.09.2009
European Award 2009 - The shortlist has been selected | (EN) 10.09.2009
Central European Countries Plan Extensive Cooperation for rare diseases | (EN) 25.08.2009

EHFG News & Updates

EHFG Headquarters

EHFG Vienna Office

The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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