
Environment & health: Building the evidence base for policy

Thursday, 5 October 2017 | 16.00-18.30 | Room 2

Organised by DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission

This session will highlight the important role research plays in establishing and maintaining a strong evidence base for policy-making in the steadily evolving area of environment and health.

The Sustainable Development Goals, the EU's 7th Environment Action Programme and the recent 2017 Ostrava Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Health, set out the goals our society needs to meet to ensure better health and well-being in a sustainable environment. Research brings new insights and proposes innovative approaches of how to address the challenges we are facing, which will require re-thinking our current lifestyles and the roles of and relationships between scientists and policy-makers.

In this session, different research projects funded under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation will report on their results and how they contribute to establishing evidence for policy-making. Participants will be invited to discuss how to improve the dialogue between researchers and policy-makers and better translate research evidence into practice, and what new research needs are emerging from the current and future environment and health challenges.

F9 Programme PDF


Setting priorities for environment and health research

ELIZABET PAUNOVIC, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health

Environment and health research under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

SOFIE NØRAGER, Scientific Officer, Health Directorate, DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission

Part 1 - EU Funded Research Underpinning the Ostrava Declaration and Sustainable Development Goals

Healthy cities - air quality, waste, water and urban planning & Chemical safety

Engaging citizens for future with clean air and lower carbon emissions

EVA CSOBOD, Regional Environment Centre, Hungary | Project partner in CLAIR-CITY

Harnessing benefits for health and wellbeing in cities from exposure to blue and green spaces

BRIGIT STAATSEN, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands | Project partner in BLUEHEALTH & INHERIT

Informing and evaluating policies for chemical safety – HBM4EU, the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative

GREET SCHOETERS, Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Belgium | Co-coordinator of HBM4EU

Discussion 1 – Science to Policy

  • What is the impact of research on policy making and how can it be improved?
  • Does the research community need to innovate to better respond to policy challenges and how?
  • What are the current E&H challenges which require evidence to trigger changes?
  • How does climate change impact E&H research needs – are there new areas of importance emerging?

Part 2 - The Future

The Exposome concept and its future potential

Robert Barouki, INSERM - Unit on Toxicology, Pharmacology and Cell Signalling, France | Project partner in HEALS & HBM4EU

Evidence for policy

Ybele Hoogeveen, European Environment Agency

Discussion 2 - 2030 Visions and Needs

Creative thinking on future research needs for better evidence for policy-making.

Summary of the session & main messages


ELIZABET PAUNOVIC, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health


ALESSANDRA LAFRANCONI, Milano Bicocca University, Italy and member of the Young Forum Gastein

Biographical information

NameBarouki, Robert
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NameCsobod, Eva
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NameHoogeveen, Ybele
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NameLafranconi, Alessandra
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NameNørager, Sofie
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NamePaunovic, Elizabet
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NameSchoeters, Greet
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NameStaatsen, Brigit
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Participating projects


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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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