
Transformative approaches for equity and resilience – Harnessing the 2030 Agenda for health & well-being

Thursday, 5 October 2017 | 9.00-11.30 | Kursaal C

Organised by World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

The SDGs/Health 2020 roadmap & environment and health

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has created a new impetus for transformative approaches to achieving the goals of better health and well-being for all. This builds on the work of Health 2020, the policy and strategy framework for the WHO European Region, which has whole-of-government, Health in All Policies, and whole-of-society approaches at the heart of its implementation.


This Forum session will cover the positioning of health as a central theme of the 2030 Agenda, the progress so far and the roadmap for the coming years, from a global and European perspective. In addition, it will focus on the environmental determinants of health in the context of the recent Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, highlighting transformative approaches through intersectoral participatory whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches.

F4 Programme PDF
Eurohealth Gastein Edition 2017

Session recording

EHFG 2017 webcasts

All sessions

Speakers & panellists

Keynote presentations

CHRIS DYE, Director, Strategy, Policy and Information, World Health Organization

BETTINA MENNE, SDG Coordinator, WHO Regional Office for Europe

GEORGE MORRIS, Honorary Professor, European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter Medical School

Panel discussion

EVA CSOBOD, Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe

SEBIHANA SKERENDOVSKA, National Roma Centrum, Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

CHRIS DYE, Director, Strategy, Policy and Information, World Health Organization

BETTINA MENNE, SDG Coordinator, WHO Regional Office for Europe

GEORGE MORRIS, Honorary Professor, European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter Medical School


ELIZABET PAUNOVIC, Head of the European Centre for Environment and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Biographical information

NameCsobod, Eva
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NameDye, Christopher
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NameMenne, Bettina
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NameMorris, George
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NamePaunovic, Elizabet
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NameSkerendovska, Sebihana
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