
Hear today, here tomorrow

Wednesday, 28.09.2016 | 18:00 - 19:30 | Room

Organised by MED-EL Medical Electronics

As the proportion of older people in Europe continues to increase, so does the risk of healthcare and long-term care systems becoming unsustainable. Specifically, the onset of age-related disability has potentially severe social and economic implications to both individuals and society.

Through the lens of severe hearing loss, this workshop will demonstrate how tackling age-related disability can prevent the onset of other disabilities and diseases, raising healthy life expectancy and allowing older adults to actively contribute to society for longer, as well as relieving pressure on healthcare systems.

The role of prevention, such as screening programmes, in tackling the consequences of severe hearing loss will similarly be discussed. The objectives of this workshop are to:
– Demonstrate the social and economic impact of supporting active ageing, with a case study on severe hearing loss.
– Raise the clinical viewpoint on how treating severe hearing loss can prevent the onset of other diseases.
– Provide input from the EU institutions on the importance of taking care of the health of the ageing population and the impact of treatment and non-treatment.
– Highlight the social impact of age related disability, with a point of view from a patient advocacy group.
– Discuss from an industry perspective, the role of technology in tackling challenges associated with age-related disability and the role of prevention.


Patrick D’Haese, Corporate Director of Awareness and Public Affairs, MED-EL

Helene Amieva, University of Bordeaux

David Sinclair, International Longevity Centre, UK and AGE Europe

Roberta Metsola, Member of the European Parliament (EPP, Malta) (video message)


Peter O'Donnell, Contributing Editor, POLITICO


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