
New frontiers in Health Technology Assessment

Wednesday, 28.09.2016 | 09:00 - 11:00 | Room

Organised by DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD), European Commission

This workshop will discuss recent advances, challenges and future research needs in the field of health technology assessment (HTA) from the perspective of researchers, HTA bodies, policy-makers, patients and industry. A point of particular interest is how HTA approaches may evolve in the context of personalised medicine and other developments in health systems. Speakers will consider opportunities and challenges for evidence generation and value assessment along the life-cycle of technologies. We will also discuss activities such as EU-funded research projects on HTA, the Joint Action EUnetHTA and new initiatives at EU level on HTA and for an International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (IC PerMed).

The workshop will consist of presentations followed by a panel discussion with the audience.

Presentations & discussion

WIM GOETTSCH, Director of EUnetHTA JA3 Directorate, National Health Care Institute, The Netherlands

PANOS KANAVOS, Professor, Deputy Director, LSE Health Department of Social Policy, London School of Economics

ELMAR NIMMESGERN, Deputy Head of Unit, Innovative and Personalised Medicine, DG RTD, European Commission

IOANA SISKA, Policy Officer, Medical products: safety, quality, innovation, DG SANTE, European Commission

NICOLA BEDLINGTON, Secretary General, European Patients' Forum

PETRA KEIL, Head of European Public Affairs, Novartis International AG


JULIA SCHMITZ, Scientific Officer, Unit E3, Public Health Sector, DG RTD, European Commission


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