Organised by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
The projected changes to the EU's demographic structure call for a need to rethink sustainable ways of investing in health, while also ensuring equitable access across all ages and social groups. Vaccination can provide a fundamental contribution, averting preventable diseases that occur in individuals of all ages, and more so with an ageing population.
This workshop is expected to feature and prompt reflection on the value that a life-course approach to vaccination can bring to public health in Europe today. It will also shed light on the challenges faced by healthcare systems in making this happen, particularly to prioritise vaccines across different age groups.
The main objectives will therefore be to:
– Raise awareness of the value and opportunities of life-course vaccination;
– Build understanding of the challenges faced at decision-making level to promote such a shift;
– Discuss the evidence necessary to help prioritise vaccinations across age groups;
– Prompt reflection on relevant ways forward and action at EU and national levels.
Wolfgang Philipp, Deputy Head of Unit, DG SANTE (C3), European Commission
Marianne Donker, Deputy Director General for Health and Director for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Netherlands
Lucia Pastore Celentano, Head of the Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme, ECDC
Gaetan Gavazzi, Member of the French Haut Conseil De La Santé Publique; Geriatrics Professor, University Hospital Of Grenoble
Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation, Public Health England
Andrea Ammon, Acting Director, ECDC