
Maternal healthcare in Europe

Thursday, 29.09.2016 | 09:00 - 11:30 | Room

Organised by Alliance for Maternal Health Equality and MSD for Mothers

Making it a reality: measuring maternal healthcare performance

The aim of this session is to evaluate how national health systems are performing on maternal health, on the basis of a number of relevant factors, while examining how these factors apply to both the EU supranational and the national levels.

The session will introduce a health systems performance measurement matrix focusing on several different but equally important aspects of maternal healthcare. The format will see attendees taking part in a dynamic, serious game in order to make the most of their expertise and range of backgrounds.

With the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals, equitable access to maternal healthcare must be considered as a top priority for Europe: a continent of increasingly diverse populations, facing many issues when it comes to the accessibility of its healthcare systems. Despite these issues, maternal health often occupies a lower spot on the healthcare agenda, both at national and EU level.

Maternal health can also be included in the EU Health Systems Performance Assessment Framework, through a variety of different factors (examples include health literacy and patient safety) that will be discussed during this session. It will introduce a national health systems performance measurement matrix focusing on several different but equally important aspects of maternal healthcare.

Leveraging a policy driven methodology, the session will engage a number of different stakeholders with a dynamic, participatory format: firstly, through quick-fire presentations in Pecha Kucha format, and then through structured World Café discussions, allowing them to draw up a set of criteria on national health systems performance measurement for maternal health.

Speakers & panellists

Jacqueline Bowman-Busato, Policy Lead, Alliance for Maternal Health Equality

Michael Creek, Senior Advisor, Third-i bvba

Daniela Drandic, Head of Reproductive Rights Campaign, RODA

Mervi Jokinen, Board Member, European Midwives Association

Agnieszka Luczynska, Migrant Mediator, Health with Migrants for Migrants (MiMi)

Ramazan Salman, Executive Director, Health with Migrants for Migrants (MiMi)

Ciara O'Rourke, Lead in Europe, Director, Public Policy (Europe & Canada), MSD for Mothers

François Fille, European Advocacy Co-ordinator, Médecins du Monde


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