

Friday, 30.09.2016 | 09:00 - 11:30 | Room

Organised by International Forum Gastein

Late breaking topic

The British referendum on 23 June 2016 created waves that reverberated far beyond UK borders. All across the EU and beyond, Brexit is being discussed and its implications for different areas of policy – and life – explored. Scenarios for a post Brexit UK range from the bleak (an imploding political system and declining economy) to the optimistic (a more independent, globally engaged economy). We invite you to discuss what the referendum result tells us about societal challenges in Europe, what an exit from the EU means for Britain and the NHS specifically, and the broader implications of the Leave vote for the future of the EU in general.

Panel 1 | Divided Societies

What does Brexit reveal about the inter-generational, geographical and socioeconomic gaps in UK society? Are these echoed more widely across Europe?


STEPHEN CLARKE, Research and Policy Analyst, Resolution Foundation, UK

MARIANNE DONKER, Deputy Director General Health and Director Public Health, Ministry of Health, the Netherlands

LAUREN ELLIS, Public Health Practitioner, Public Health Wales and Member of the Young Forum Gastein Network

Panel 2 | Key challenges for health and social care in a UK outside the EU

In light of the recent referendum result, what are the main issues needing consideration in the UK´s health and social care sector?


MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

JOHN MIDDLETON, President, UK Faculty Public Health

VLADIMIR GORDEEV, Assistant Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Member of the Young Forum Gastein Network

Panel 3 | What's next for the EU?

A continent currently compounded by numerous other challenges, what are the implications of the Brexit for the future of Europe?


SHADA ISLAM, Director of Europe and Geopolitics, Friends of Europe

HELMUT BRAND, President, International Forum Gastein

PHILIP HINES, Programme Assistant, European Policy Centre and Member of the Young Forum Gastein Network


TAMSIN ROSE, Non-resident Fellow, Friends of Europe

Wrap-up and closing remarks

JOHN BOWIS, Honorary President, Health First Europe


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