
Hearing loss

Wednesday, 01.10.2014 | 18:00 - 19:30

Organised by Agir Pour l’Audition (Acting for Hearing)

Hearing loss is the number one isolation factor for EU citizens. It’s ignored and can be prevented and improved.

During our session we aim to increase awareness about the reality of hearing loss in the EU (all ages, and especially vulnerable patient groups, such as children and older populations) and about the consequences for the EU citizens and families. With such awareness, and its consequence of increased support from policy makers, scientists, and clinicians, we can improve clinical practices, rehabilitation tools and education systems for hearing impaired people to be better engaged in society and achieve a higher level of quality of life.

We will discuss the following topics:

  • the need for epidemiologic data: review of EU numbers, early detection at all ages, identification of problems associated with hearing loss;
  • we shall discuss the cognitive and societal impact of hearing loss;
  • the importance of having a new economic approach to hearing rehabilitation technology.

In our workshop we expect to discuss a call for actions at a european level to improve the current situation.


Deniz Baskent, University Medical Center Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands

Jens Kofoed, General Manager William Demant Holding, France

Pierre Anhoury, CEO, Agir Pour l’Audition


Bruno Frachet, Hôpital Rothschild, France

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