Sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and organised in collaboration with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
The increasing mobility of health professionals worldwide – but in particular in Europe under the free movement of workers – influences the ability of national policy-makers to match the growing healthcare needs of their populations with an appropriate supply of human resources for health. The purpose of this workshop session is to discuss the positive and negative impacts of this mobility for health systems and explore different policy choices in order to possibly improve their cost/benefit ratio.
The workshop will address questions such as the following:
Introduction and rules of the game
Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Keynote: Recent trends in health professional mobility, recruitment and retention
James Buchan, Queen Margaret University, UK
Panel discussion on the benefits and cost of health professional mobility
Pascal Strupler, Director-General, Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland
Francesca Colombo, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Miklós Szócska, former Secretary of State for Health, Semmelweis University, Hungary
Pascal Garel, Secretary-General, European Hospital Federation
Gilles Dussault, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Policy and Planning, Portugal
Final remarks and closing the session
Pascal Strupler, Director-General, Federal Office of Public Health, Switzerland
Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies