Sponsored and organised by the DG CONNECT, European Commission
The purpose of this session will be to discuss how to better achieve interoperability in the field of eHealth as this is one of the key barriers impeding its large scale deployment in the EU. A lack of nationally/internationally adopted standards is one of the obstacles preventing us achieve the best results of eHealth which would include collection of data from different sources and making them accessible, for example through the patient's electronic health record. Currently, the EU still remains fragmented on standards in the field.
In the eHealth Action Plan 2012 -2020, the European Commission recognises the importance of working towards achieving interoperability within its four levels: legal, organisational, semantic and technical. In this context, the eHealth Network was set up under Directive 2011/24/EU on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare. Its role is crucial as it is the main strategic and governance body at EU level seeking to enhance interoperability between electronic health systems in the EU. The eHealth Network is adopting several guidelines on eHealth topics such as the guidelines on patient summary and several recommendations and policy papers on interoperability issues, mainly on eID, semantic and legal issues.
The speakers will present their views from the perspectives of public authorities, academia, healthcare providers and the industry to better understand what should be done and by whom to make interoperability happen!
Marcello Melgara, Lombardia Informatica S.p.A., Milano, Italy
Magdalene Rosenmöller, Associate Professor, IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
Edwin Maarseveen, Policy Officer, eHealth Unit, DG Health and Consumers, European Commission
Leonard Witkamp, Director, KSYOS TeleMedisch Centrum, the Netherlands
Claus Burci Nielsen, Vice Chair, Continua Health Alliance, Denmark
Peter Brosch, Head of Unit, Hospital Financing, DRG and Semantics, Federal Ministry of Health, Austria
Ib Johansen, Deputy Manager at MedCom, Danish Health Data Network, Denmark and Coordinator of The Antilope Project
Peteris Zilgalvis, Head of Health and Well-Being Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission