
Non-Communicable Diseases

Friday, 05.10.2012 | 09:00 - 12:00 | Congress Centre 1

Sponsored by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan

Health system response to NCDs: innovations and challenges

This session will ask how we put in place the health system responses needed to respond to the rising tide of NCDs. NCDs pose major challenges to many health systems that are still designed to address acute episodes of care. But change is difficult, in the face of long established professional roles, inappropriate financial incentives, and difficulties in working across organisational and sectoral interfaces. This session will present experiences from some of the more innovative models that are being implemented in Europe today.

Go to Session 1

Financial and organisational innovations in Taiwan

ST Chiou, Director General, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan on behalf of WT Chiu, Minister of Health, Department of Health, Taiwan

Dutch bundled payments for integrated chronic care

B Vrijhoef, Professor of Chronic Care, Tilburg University, The Netherlands

The French use of incentives for quality improvement

I Durand-Zaleski, Chief of Public Health, Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris, France

GPs’ voluntary quality bonuses in Estonia

T Lai, Senior Health Policy Analyst, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia

Approaches to chronic disease management

E Nolte, Director of Health and Healthcare, RAND Europe

Understanding the policy context for chronic care

C Knai, Lecturer in European Health Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Interactive discussion

All speakers

Chaired by

M McKee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

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