
Personalised Medicine

Friday, 05.10.2012 | 09:00 - 12:00 | Congress Centre 2

Organised by European Science Foundation (ESF), the FET Flagship pilot project IT Future of Medicine (ITFoM) and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in cooperation with the Institute for Public Health Genomics (IPHG) at Maastricht University


Sponsored by AMGEN and Pfizer

A global personalised medicine – can Europe lead the way?

Personalised medicine and healthcare call for appropriate governance strategies at the European and global level as they challenge the way in which healthcare systems worldwide are set up. Policy makers and the many other stakeholders have to interact and discuss medium- to long-term views and provide timely policy advice that will help prepare Europe for the likely changes in how society deals with wellbeing, health, healthy ageing, healthy diet, and disease. Such a European agenda may lead the way for a global personalised medicine.

  • Personalised medicine – organisational changes, regulatory issues and bottlenecks 
  • Public Private Partnerships – who are the drivers, what are the incentives? 
  • Equitable access to personalised medicine – how can we assure added value for citizens and health systems? European policy making – leading the global way in times of financial crisis?
Go to Session 1

Chaired by

E Anklam, Director, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), Joint Research Centre, European Commission

A Henney, Programme Director, German Virtual Liver Network, Germany

FET Flagships – a novel approach to tackle big science challenges

W Boch, Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission

Personalised medicine – panacea or Pandora's Box?

T Lillie, Head Oncology International Therapeutic Area, AMGEN

ICT for personalised healthcare

M Hsu, Director of Bureau of International Cooperation, Department of Health, Taiwan

Personalised medicine – a Canadian funding perspective

N Ferrari, Assistant Director, Institute of Cancer Research, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canada

View of personalised medicine from the United States

S Spielberg, Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA

View of personalised medicine from the European Medicines Agency

M Papaluca, Section Head of Scientific Support and Projects, European Medicines Agency

Panel discussion

All speakers

S Berghmans, Director, Centre d’Innovation Médicale, Belgium, and former Head, Biomedical Sciences Unit, European Science Foundation

A Brad, Professor, Institute for Public Health Genomics (IPHG), Maastricht University

R Sudbrak, Scientific Coordination and Management, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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