25 October 2022 | 11:00-12:15 | Online
Inefficient cancer care can be a leading factor in poorer outcomes for patients. Building efficiency in cancer care requires health systems to operate as highly effective, evidence-based and data-driven learning systems. Yet, this cannot be achieved without a coordinated effort to eliminate the existing fragmentation of data, data silos and metrics.
A standard set of evidence-based metrics from which systems can choose, according to their specific needs and circumstances, can help to build system efficiencies. The All.Can International Cancer Efficiency Metrics Study published in June 2022, presents an evidence-based suite of cancer care efficiency metrics identified through a robust evidence review and stakeholder interviews.
These metrics can be applied by stakeholders across the cancer care continuum to consistently assess, benchmark and improve efficiency in cancer care. By using the Efficiency Metrics study as an example, this webinar will explore how evidence-based measures can be implemented in the real world, what disruptions exist, and how to overcome these in order to ultimately improve health outcomes for patients and society. Where do we need to start from? What kind of support do we need from health policy-makers?
The webinar was organised in close cooperation between EHFG and All.Can International, supported by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Nicoletta Antone
Head of Breast Cancer Center, Cancer Institute Ion Chiricuta
Niek Klazinga
Head of Health Care Quality Indicator Programme, OECD
Bryan Bennett
Director Worldwide HEOR and Patient Reported Outcomes for Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb
Erik Briers
Vice chair, Europa Uomo
Matt Hickey
CEO, The Health Value Alliance
Virpi Sulosaari
President Elect, The European Oncology Nursing Society
Mark Lawler
Board Member, European Cancer Organisation