
A united voice: towards a new European strategy for global health

8 June 2022 | 14:00-15:00 | Online

The French Presidency is strongly focusing on the revision of the European strategy on global health. The global geopolitical, economic, and environmental context has changed dramatically since its previous publication in 2010. We have faced numerous global challenges, including conflicts, financial crises, and the health emergencies of Ebola, SARS and COVID-19; whilst on the positive side the global community has successfully undertaken the establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

It is essential that European Member States are unified in actively supporting global health governance and solidarity, bolstered by a renewed and comprehensive strategy relevant for the health of all the world’s citizens. What common values and visions should a new global health strategy carry? What are the future strategic, geographic, and political priorities? What instruments and partnerships should underpin Europe’s strategy for global health?

The webinar was organised in close cooperation between the EHFG and Santé Mondiale 2030,  supported by the French Ministry of Health and Solidarity. 

Watch the webinar



Michel Kazatchkine

Affiliate and Course Director, Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute Geneva

Andrej Martin Vujkovac

Advisor, Ministry of Health, Slovenia

Christine Berling

Head of International & European Affairs, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, France

Anders Nordström

Ambassador for Global Health, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden

Francisco Pérez-Cañado

Senior Expert, European Commission, DG SANTE

Obiageli Ezekwesili

Senior Economic Advisor, Africa Economic Development Policy Initiative

Gian Marco Grindatto

EU Senior Advocacy Officer, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung

Alena Steflova

Assistant Professor, Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague

Ilona Kickbusch

Founding Director and Chair of the Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies Geneva

Luis Pizarro

Founder, Santé Mondiale 2030

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