
A new era for Alzheimer's - Are EU healthcare systems ready for medical innovation?

Wednesday, 3 October 2018 | 18.00-19.30 | Room 2

Organised by BIOGEN

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New medications are a crucial part of addressing the huge and rising unmet need in managing Alzheimer’s disease - but new drugs alone won’t solve the problem. To maximise patient outcomes, such drugs must sit in an innovation ecosystem which can facilitate early diagnosis, empower patients and carers in treatment adherence, and support healthcare professionals in adopting new models of care - all while understanding the wider economic and social implications of novel treatments in the context of sustainable healthcare.
Are national healthcare systems in Europe ready to seize the opportunities of medical innovation in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?
In this workshop, we will bring leading patient, academic, policymaker and industry voices together to find answers and stimulate discussion around European health systems' capacity to meet the challenge of Alzheimer's. The event will also present findings from a new Biogen sponsored RAND policy report examining the preparedness of health systems in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK and Sweden.
The session will begin by setting the scene with an insight into the patient perspective followed by the findings from the RAND report. The workshop will then transition to a panel discussion with panellists providing points for discussion and delivering brief impulse statements. Audience members are invited to join the discussion on Europe's readiness for medical innovation by submitting questions during the session.

Session recording

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

Input from

ANTONIA CROY, President, Alzheimer's Austria

CLAUDIA HABL, Policy Officer, Head of Department, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG)

MARIANNE TAKKI, Policy Coordinator on Chronic Diseaes, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety

PHILIPP VON ROSENSTIEL, Senior Medical Director, Biogen

RAPHAEL WITTENBERG, Associate Professorial Research Fellow, London School of Economics (LSE)

SOEREN MATTKE, Director, Centre for Improving Chronic Illness Care, University of Southern California


SARAH NEVILLE, Global Pharmaceuticals Editor, The Financial Times

Available Biographical Information

NameHabl, Claudia
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NameTakki, Marianne
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Namevon Rosenstiel, Philipp
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NameWittenberg, Raphael
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NameMattke, Soeren
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PresentationDownload PDF
NameNeville, Sarah
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