
Commercial determinants of health and the global financial markets

Friday, 5 October 2018 | 14:15-16.00 | Kursaal A

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Until recently, the role of global capital flows and their impact on health was largely absent from public health debates. However, given that a significant share of the global food, beverage and tobacco industries are owned by institutional investors, it is arguably time for the public health community to step up and address issues around the responsibility of investors in relation to the commercial determinants of health. The Closing Plenary of 2018 will thus consider the role of the financial markets and health, and discuss if and how we can better align commercial and public health interests.

We will hear from a pioneer who has worked collaboratively with the financial sector to further tobacco free investment. And we will examine the trend for commercial organisations traditionally established in other sectors to move into the health market, and the implications of this for responsible practice. We will also look at sustainable, socially innovative business models that maximise social impact and whether this is one solution to responding to the social challenges that threaten Europe. Finally we will consider the role and actions of supranational organisations in this area, from the UN - following the recent High Level Meeting on NCDs - to the European Commission, and how we can better advocate for health to be considered first in policy design.

Session recording

Speakers & panellists

Conference Round-up & First Outcomes


Input Speech

BRONWYN KING, Radiation Oncologist and Founder and CEO of Tobacco Free Portfolios

Panel Discussion

FILIPPO ADDARII, Founder and Co-Managing Director, PlusValue

ILONA KICKBUSCH, Director of Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland

BRONWYN KING, Radiation Oncologist and Founder and CEO of Tobacco Free Portfolios

JAN KIMPEN, President, COCIR and Chief Medical Officer, Philips

JOHN RYAN, Director, Public health, country knowledge, crisis management, DG SANTE, European Commission

Hackathon Results and Prize Ceremony

Moderated by MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Newsroom Team


FLORIAN STIGLER, GP and public health researcher, Medical University of Graz/London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine



Available Biographical Information

NameAuer, Clemens Martin
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NameKing, Bronwyn
CVDownload PDF
NameAddarii, Filippo
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NameKickbusch, Ilona
CVDownload PDF
NameKimpe, Jan
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NameRyan, John
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NameMcKee, Martin
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NameAzzopardi-Muscat, Natasha
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NameOudshoorn, Floris
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