Organised by IMI Big Data for Better Outcomes
This session aims to broaden the perspective of value in an outcomes-based healthcare system with an overview of key approaches to generating real-world outcomes-based evidence. The session will introduce recent methodological advances from the IMI Big Data for better Outcomes (BD4BO) Programme followed by a panel discussion on the acceptability of such evidence for decision making by multiple stakeholders along the drug development and treatment pathway. The session also aims to increase awareness of the BD4BO Programme’s research, and the importance of its findings in shaping future thinking around data use and value generated from outcomes-based healthcare.
Speaker presenting progress in IMI BD4BO, representing DO-IT, the coordination and support action
SHAHID HANIF, Association of British Pharma Industries (ABPI), UK
Panel debate on the prospects of using big data to achieve better outcomes:
SHAHID HANIF, Association of British Pharma Industries (ABPI), UK
MIKLOS SZOCSKA, Semmelweis University, former Secretary for Health, Hungary
NICOLA BEDLINGTON, Secretary General, European Patients’ Forum (tbc)
AIN AAVIKSOO, CEO, Viveo Health, Former Deputy Secretary General for E-services and Innovation, Ministry of Social Affairs Estonia
LYDIA MAKAROFF, Director, European Cancer Patients Coalition
PETRONILLE BOGAERT, Scientific Coordinator, Sciensano, Belgium
CLAYTON HAMILTON, Unit Leader, E-health & Innovation, Division of Information, Evidence, Research and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for Europe