
Improving cancer care - Perspectives on value & access from the cancer care community

Thursday, 4 October 2018 | 16.00-18.30 | Kursaal C

Organised by the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations (EFPIA) and the European Cancer Patients Coalition (ECPC)

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Tackling cancer will be an essential element in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goal of reducing mortality from NCDs in Europe. Rising demand for cancer care comes alongside new ways to treat and care for cancer patients – in the context of healthcare budgets that are still constrained. A better understanding of the value of interventions is therefore essential to addressing these challenges. This has implications for access to medicines, but also for cancer care more broadly.

This session will feature updates on important recent initiatives amongst the cancer community, including:

  • The release of a multi-stakeholder discussion paper on ‘Taking action on cancer together: delivering the future of cancer medicines in Europe’
  • The results of recent ECCO projects on value based healthcare and outcome measurement, as well as conclusions of the ECCO 2018 European Cancer Summit
  • A new EFPIA report on the oncology data landscape

Discussion will then examine different aspects of value, including:

  • What matters most to patients?
  • How can patient preferences be measured, and put into practice?
  • Data as the foundation for determining value in cancer care
  • Understanding value beyond medicines and across the system

Session Recording

Session Recording

Speakers & Panellists

Input from

YOLANDE LIEVENS, Immediate Past President of ESTRO; project chair ECCO

KEN MASTRIS, Board member, ECPC


VINCENT CLAY, Senior Manager, EU Government Affairs, Pfizer

ALEXANDER ROEDIGER, Chair, EFPIA Oncology Platform; Policy Lead Oncology - Europe, Middle East, Africa & Canada (MSD)


TAMSIN ROSE, Senior Fellow, Friends of Europe

Available Biographical Information

NameLievens, Yolande
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NameMastris, Ken
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NameMakaroff, Lydia
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NameLafranconi, Alessandra
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NameRoediger, Alexander
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NameRose, Tamsin
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NameClay, Vincent
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