Organised by MSD, the International Organization for Migration and the European Digital Therapeutics Partnership
While sustainability of healthcare systems and quality of health and care provision remain key challenges in Europe, policymakers are increasingly working to create a “Digital Single Market”, with particular resonance for the healthcare sector. Digital technologies have the potential to improve care by collecting, analysing and making use of reliable data – if we create the right conditions. In this session, we will relate current thinking around digital health innovation to its implications for equitable access, with a particular focus on migrant populations. Based on reallife examples and case studies from EU tech startups, policy makers, civil society organisations and industry, this session will explore what is needed for the data revolution to promote more cohesive communities and societies – and support the SDGs main tenet of Universal Health Coverage as well as Member States’ commitment to ‘leaving no-one behind’. We will begin with a series of short presentations by digital health companies that will set the scene on what digital innovations are currently being developed and the challenges of deployment in the EU. This will be followed by a discussion of NGOs’ experience of how these tools are being used – or sometimes misused – on the ground. Distinguished guests from international, EU and national level will then share their views and experiences. Topics to be debated among panelists and with the audience include: how electronic health records but also more broadly e-health and m-health tools are implemented; how the data collected can or should be used to ensure a better and broader access to healthcare services for the vulnerable population of migrants arriving to and living in Europe.
Moderated by
BORIS AZAIS, Director Public Policy, MSD Europe & Canada
Setting the Scene
MICHELE PASTORE, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Samsung Electronics & chair of DIGITALEUROPE’s e-health working group
DENIS ONYANGO, Head of Programmes, African Advocacy Foundation
European startups members of the Digital Therapeutics Partnership:
• KIM BADEN-KRISTENSEN, Co-founder & CEO Brain
• MORITZ MATSCHKE, Director, Well IT
Sharing Experiences
RAZVAN TEOHARI VULCANESCU, Interim President, National Health Insurance House, Romania
SOOREJ PUTHOOPPARAMBIL, Consultant, WHO Regional Office for Europe
State of Play: e-health in Europe/Public Private Partnership/Migration and Health Regional Strategy
DOMINIK ZENNER, Senior Regional Migration Health Advisor, Regional Office Brussels, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
MARIANNE TAKKI, Policy Coordinator on Chronic Diseaes, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety
European Commission
AGIS TERZIDIS, Advisor Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Greece
SNEZANA PANTIC-AKSENTIJEVICE, Head of Group for Public Health, Sector for Public Health
CHRISTOS DIMOPOULOS, Protection and Integration Manager, Doctors of the World Greece