Organised by ECDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
What can we do to better tackle the global top infectious disease killer that is TB, and what actions are needed to scale-up progress towards identifying and treating the often-symptomless disease of Hepatitis, where significant numbers in Europe are unaware that they are infected? Just how realistic is our goal to end the AIDS epidemic with just over a decade to go? Can we sustain the level of determination and resources that is required or are we in danger of seeing dwindling political commitment causing a reversal in the gains we have made so far, thus increasing the possibility of a resurgence and missing the goals we have set?
With a focus on reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 “to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”, this session will discuss what progress Europe has made to end communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS and TB and to combat viral hepatitis, and to elaborate on what still remains to be done, with various stakeholders involved putting forward innovative solutions and possible actions.
The session will prompt discussion on how best to reach the targets and discuss the specific challenges faced by Europe. In order to address these challenges, a strong focus must be placed on working with vulnerable populations and on identifying undiagnosed cases and linking them to appropriate health care services. Reaching the targets will require an integrated and multi-sectoral approach involving stakeholders such as international organisations, national Ministries of Health, National Public Health Institutes, professionals, civil society, policy makers, research and business leaders, who will be represented amongst the speaking panel.
The audience will be engaged via interactive discussions and use of the voting tool Wisembly, and will be able to voice their opinion by voting on statements and questions which will feed into the panel discussions
Input from
Panel 1:
VINAY P. SALDANHA, UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
TUULA VASANKARI, Secretary General, FILHA, Finnish Lung Health Association
FRANCESCO NEGRO, EASL, European Association for the Study of the Liver
NIKOS DEDES, European AIDS Treatment Group
FREEK SPINNEWIJN, Director for FEANTSA, European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
Panel 2:
FANNY VOITZWINKLER, Deputy Executive Director at Global Health Advocates
VINAY P. SALDANHA, UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
RICARDO BAPTISTA LEITE, Member of the Portuguese national Parliament, member of the Health Committee (on reaching the targets for hepatitis in Portugal)
FRANCESCO NEGRO, EASL, European Association for the Study of the Liver
NIKOS DEDES, European AIDS Treatment Group
FREEK SPINNEWIJN, Director for FEANTSA, European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
ANDREA AMMON, Director ECDC, supported by
MARIEKE VAN DER WERF, Head of Disease Programme Tuberculosis, ECDC
and ANDREW AMATO, Head of Disease Programme HIV, STIs and Viral Hepatitis, ECDC