
The future is now – AI as a driver of sustainable healthcare?

Wednesday, 3 October 2018 | 14.45-17.15 | Kursaal C

Co-organised by COCIR and EHFG

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Artificial Intelligence will transform our lives and societies, will impact health systems and provide new means to personalise treatment and care and improve patient outcomes. The EU calls for a coordinated approach that benefits people and society as a whole. How can we best leverage these technologies within the healthcare continuum? And what ethical guidelines and legal policies should be applicable to the development of “good AI practice” in society and healthcare? This session will ensure a lively debate by discussing key examples of AI-based applications in healthcare and involving a range of stakeholders.

Session Recording

Session recording

Speakers & panellists

Brief welcome and outline of session

KIERAN WALSHE, Professor of Health Policy & Management, Manchester Business School

Setting the context: Input speech on recent EC work on AI and potential impact of current AI developments on European health policy

CERI THOMPSON, Head of the Policy Sector, eHealth, Wellbeing and Ageing Unit, DG CONNECT

Panel 1: The added value of AI in prevention and treatment

Moderation: KIERAN WALSHE, Professor of Health Policy & Management, Manchester Business School


Industry perspective on AI including exemplary use case

MARCUS ZIMMERMANN_RITTEREISER, COCIR Artificial Intelligence Task Force and Chair of Digital Health Committee, Siemens Healthineers: Vice President eCare Innovations and Partner Management


Promise and current reality of Artifical Intelligence in healthcare

MARTIN MCKEE, Professor of European Public Health, LSHTM


The Finnish experience of AI in healthcare - how do member states contribute to creating the right European framework conditions for AI?

LIISA-MARIA VOIPIO-Pulkki, Head of the Management Support Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland


The patients’ perspective – hopes and fears for Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

LYDIA MAKAROFF, Director, European Cancer Patient Coalition

Panel 2: How can we use AI to ensure the future sustainability of our healthcare systems? What challenges and risks do we need to be aware of and plan for?

Moderation: BELEN SOTO BODÍ, COCIR Digital Health Lead and Senior Director Analytics EMEA, GE Healthcare


Industry perspective – recent developments and benefits of AI to ensure health system sustainability

SYBO DIJKSTRA, COCIR Artificial Intelligence Task Force Chair and Head of Data Strategy & AI, Philips


What AI could mean for the future of the nursing profession

EMMA WOODFORD, Chief Operations Officer, European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)


WHO activities and objectives for AI in Europe

CLAYTON HAMILTON, WHO Regional Office for Europe


AI Policy challenges and opportunities for health system sustainability

RIINA SIKKUT, Minister of Health and Labour, Estonia


BELEN SOTO BODÍ, COCIR Digital Health Lead and Senior Director Analytics EMEA, GE Healthcare

Available Biographical Information

NameWalshe, Kieran
CVDownload PDF
NameThompson, Ceri
CVDownload PDF
NameMcKee, Martin
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NameVoipio-Pulkki, Liisa-Maria
CVDownload PDF
NameMakaroff, Lydia
CVDownload PDF
NameDijkstra, Sybo
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NameWoodford, Emma
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NameHamilton, Clayton
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PresentationDownload PDF
NameSikkut, Riina
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NameSoto, Belen
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NameZimmermann-Rittereiser, Marcus
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PresentationDownload PDF


With the kind support of Siemens, Philips and GE Healthcare

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