
The right health workforce – a matter of planning?

Wednesday, 4 October 2017 | 9.00-11.00 | Room 2

Organised by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG) in cooperation with European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

An appropriately resourced health workforce is an essential pillar of healthcareprovision, vital to quality of care, healthsystem performance and ultimately to population health. Due to changes not only in thefuture of health service delivery but also inemployment patterns and preferences of health professionals, health workforce planning (HWFP) is high on the agenda of decision-makers in Europe.

Regarding the implementation of planning results, health policy-makers have to overcome split responsibilities, building bridges betweendifferent professional bodies and ministries.

The methodological task itself is also challenging, bearing in mind the long-term impact and the interdisciplinary and intersectoral aspects of HWFP. Although the importance of health workforce governance is beyond doubt, there is no clear answer yet as to the level and nature of planning needed and how policy developments can promote or hamper the relevance of integrated health workforce planning.

W2 Programme PDF

Speakers & panellists

Keynote input

MATTHIAS WISMAR, Senior Health Policy Analyst, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies


BERNHARD GIBIS, Head of Provision and Structure of Health Care Services Department, KBV, Germany

ALDO LUPO, President, European Union of General Practitioners / Family Doctors

MARIUS-IONUT UNGUREANU, Department of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

ANITA RABBEN ASBJØRNSEN, International Council of Nursing (ICN)


HERWIG OSTERMANN, Executive Director, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG)


CLAUDIA HABL, Policy Officer, Head of Department, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG)

Biographical information

NameAsbjornsen, Anita Rabben
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NameCzasny, Ines
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NameGibis, Bernhard
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NameHabl, Claudia
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NameLupo, Aldo
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NameOstermann, Herwig
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NameUngureanu, Marius-Ionut
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NameWismar, Matthias
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