
Have a voice in the pricing debate: Medicines pricing simulation

Thursday, 5 October 2017 | 12.00-13.30 | Room 1

Organised by Celgene and EFPIA

The debate continues about the sustainability of healthcare systems and the role that innovative medicines play. The value of medicines, price-setting mechanisms and the biopharmaceutical business model are at the forefront of this public debate. However, the dynamics behind the pricing of medicines and the relationship between pricing and future investments in R&D is not always well understood.

The workshop will tackle these issues in an engaging way, through a simulation exercise allowing the audience to step into the shoes of the CEO of a pharmaceutical company and experience the complexity and trade-offs all stakeholders face when pricing innovative medicines.

Overall, the session will offer a critical perspective on the healthcare sustainability debate and encourage a multi-stakeholder dialogue on solutions to support broad and timely access to innovative medicines and continued investment in R&D.

L3 Programme PDF

Speakers & panellists


NICOLA BEDLINGTON, Secretary General, European Patients Forum (EPF)

NIKLAS HEDBERG, Chief Pharmacist, Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV, Sweden)

NATHALIE MOLL, Director General, EFPIA

MICHAEL SCHLANDER, Professor of Health Economics, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and University of Heidelberg


KEVIN LOTH, Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and Policy - Europe and International Markets, Celgene

Biographical information

NameBedlington, Nicola
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NameHedberg, Niklas
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NameMoll, Nathalie
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NameSchlander, Michael
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NameLoth, Kevin
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