Organised by European Health Forum Gastein in cooperation with European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Governments often rely on civil society organisations (CSOs) to make essential contributions to health and health systems. Successful collaboration, however, cannot always be taken for granted and there are significant variations between countries in the relationships between governments and CSOs. Therefore, the overarching purpose of this session is to explore how governments and CSOs can better engage with each other and create better synergies for health and health systems.
To this end, by using concrete examples of the contributions CSOs are making to health and health systems, we want to concentrate on the following issues:
The role of CSOs in health promotion, prevention and protection
VYTENIS ANDRIUKAITIS, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
Keynote: What is civil society and what does it do for health and health systems?
MATTHIAS WISMAR, Senior Health Policy Analyst, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Panel discussion
Panellists from international and national CSOs representing constituencies with interests in issues pertaining to development, diseases, health, patients, professionals and social issues.
Round I - CSO stories
WANJIKU KAMAU, Executive Director, Advocacy Accelerator, Kenya
FREEK SPINNEWIJN, Director, European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)
WENDY YARED, Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
Round II - reflections from policy-makers
NATASHA AZZOPARDI-MUSCAT, Senior Lecturer, University of Malta /and: President, European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
VESNA-KERSTIN PETRIC, Division for health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases, Ministry of Health, Slovenia
Round III - round-table discussion
NATASHA AZZOPARDI-MUSCAT, Senior Lecturer, University of Malta /and: President, European Public Health Association (EUPHA)
KAISA IMMONEN, Director of Policy, European Patients’ Forum (EPF)
NICOLAE JELAMSCHI, Chair of Executive Committee, South Eastern European Health Network (Moldova)
KITI KAJANA PHILLIPS, Program Officer, Access to Medicines & Innovation, Public Health Program, Open Society Foundations (OSF)
WANJIKU KAMAU, Executive Director, Advocacy Accelerator, Kenya
VESNA-KERSTIN PETRIC, Division for health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases, Ministry of Health, Slovenia
SEBIHANA SKERENDOVSKA, National Roma Centrum, Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
FREEK SPINNEWIJN, Director, European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)
WENDY YARED, Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
JOSEP FIGUERAS, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
/latest update 12.10. md/