Organised by Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions, National Institute of Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI), Estonian Health Insurance Fund and Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie des travailleurs salaries (CNAMTS) in cooperation with European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)
Provision of access to affordable innovative and vital medicines is a future key challenge to the sustainability of health and welfare systems. However, there is increasing debate highlighting a mismatch between the market-driven model of pharmaceutical innovation versus the affordability, quality and access to the final product.
This session will consider whether the current intellectual property system is suitable for drug development and if and how we can amend and enforce rules and regulations to enhance transparency and better balance the power relations between the pharmaceutical industry and public healthcare systems.
Keynote: Historical overview and reflection on the key challenges
ELLEN ‘T HOEN, Expert on Medicines Law & Policy
Panel discussion
RAF MERTENS, Director-General, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE)
ANCEL.LA SANTOS QUINTANO, Senior Policy Advisor, Health Action International (HAI)
NATHALIE MOLL, Director-General, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
MARTIN SEYCHELL, Deputy-Director General, DG SANTE, European Commission
DUANE SCHULTHESS, Managing Director, Vital Transformation
DIARMAID MCDONALD, Lead organiser, Just Treatment, UK
DAVID ROSE, Director, LACS Training
/latest update 12.10. md/