
Disease Prevention A to V – putting a value on Life Span Immunisation

Wednesday, 03.10.2012 | 18:30 - 20:00 | Congress Centre 1

Hosted by Pfizer

Outside of the paediatric setting, vaccination is still on the sidelines of health agendas, despite the on-going focus on disease prevention. However, with cost and value objectives increasingly driving health policy across Member States, the potential value of life span immunisation needs to be assessed.

  • What are the benefits to the individual, in terms of time and cost of recovery gained?
  • How does this translate to healthcare systems and Europe as a whole?
  • And moving one step further, what would be required to set up a life course vaccination schedule in countries across Europe?

This workshop will aim to address these questions and map out a recommendation for future action in Europe.


K Kadebach, MEP, Austria

A Fidler, Lead Advisor of Health Policy & Strategy, World Bank, USA

D Taylor, Professor of Pharmaceutical and Public Health Policy, University College London School of Pharmacy, UK

S McMahon, International Alliance of Patients' Organizations, IAPO Representative

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