

Wednesday, 03.10.2012 | 09:00 - 12:00 | Plenary Hall

Organised by DG CONNECT, European Commission

Evidence of the effectiveness of eHealth: focus on telehealth

eHealth has the potential to help European healthcare systems by improving accessibility to healthcare in remote locations, overcoming shortages of health professionals, bringing patients closer to managing their health and having positive influence on attitudes and behaviour of patients resulting in better clinical outcomes. Although policy makers do acknowledge this potential, large scale deployment of eHealth solutions in Europe still lags behind due to remaining doubts on the evidence of the cost-effectiveness of eHealth.

In this context, this workshop will focus on sharing the results of different research projects at EU and national levels, while stimulating a debate among experts around the existence of real informed evidence on the effectiveness of eHealth and ways to improve the quality and reliability of such evidence to ensure that the effectiveness of eHealth is finally recognised.


H Riper, Professor, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
C Duedal Pedersen, Renewing Health Project
S O'Callaghan, Research and Systems Manager, NHS, UK
M Wilks, Former President, CPME

Followed by a round table discussion and Q&A's with the audience

  • What evidence exists on the effectiveness of telehealth and in what areas? 
  • How could we improve the quality of the existing evidence and disseminate them? 
  • What are the conditions to scale up telehealth, based on such evidence?

Introduction and Moderation 
P Zilgalvis, Head of Unit, Health and Well-Being, DG CONNECT, European Commission


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