Organised by Federal Ministry of Health, Austria
Getting health reform done
While the discipline of health economics provides a growing body of evidence on what should be done in health policy, it sometimes takes decades for a country’s healthcare system to adopt these findings. Numerous obstacles lie on the road from science to practice, and many of these can be found in the political processes.
The aim of this session is to exchange experiences gained in various countries that have undergone major reform or are in the process of doing so. Presentations will focus on examples and lessons learned in this field. What were the obstacles, what were the conducive factors, and if so, how was resistance handled? What means do veto-players use to achieve their goals and how can they be won over? Was the price paid proportionate or does the compromise ‘compromise’ the whole idea?
Participants from Poland, Norway, the Netherlands and Austria will present examples from their home countries and analyse the relevant factors, with OECD Health Division providing the bigger picture. Then, an attempt will be made together with the audience to draw conclusions from these experiences that might be relevant to other countries as well.
Getting health reform done – an introduction to the Austrian example
CM Auer, Director General, Federal Ministry of Health, Austria
Dutch healthcare: changes and challenges
I Mosca, Professor, Institute of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Crisis and opportunity: what are we doing in Norway?
T Åm, Director General, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway
Changes in Polish health care: lessons or warnings?
C Wlodarczyk, Head of Health Policy and Management Department, Jagiellonian University, Poland
An international perspective on the process of healthcare reform
M Pearson, Head of Health Division, OECD
Chaired by
T Czypionka, Senior Researcher, IHS HealthEcon, Austria