Organised by the EHFG
EHFG 2009 discussed “Financial crisis and Health” as European economies entered recession. We concluded that “policy leadership” and “resilience” of communities would be required to steer through the financial and debt crisis. Recession has endured and is deepening in many parts of Europe with new evidence of its impact on health and health systems. In response, austerity measures and budget cuts have been introduced to restore economic stability.
Closing Address
H Brand, President, International Forum Gastein
Introduction by chair
M Mckee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keynote presentation - Closing remarks
A Stöger, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health
Keynote presentation - The European response
J Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumers Policy, European Commisson
Setting the scene – the evidence of health and health systems impact
P Mladovsky, Research Fellow, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Health policy-making in a time of austerity
Panel discussion with Q&A from the Audience
J Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumers Policy, European Commission
H Kluge, Director of Division, Division of Health Systems and Public Health, WHO Office for Europe
C Sakellarides, Professor Emeritus of Health Policy, National School of Public Health, Portugal
M Pearson, Head of Health Division, OECD
M Kosinska, Secretery General, EPHA
J Watt, NCD Alliance