Advisory committee - Individual member
Johan Hansen, senior researcher NIVEL, coordinator of the network HSR-Europe (aimed to strengthen the research-policy linkage in the area of health systems and health services research), and member of the project management team of TO-REACH, a CSA in Horizon 2020 to prepare a European research programme (ERA-NET) on tranferability of good models of care from one setting to the other.
Johan Hansen is senior researcher at NIVEL (Netherlands institute for health services research) and coordinator of its international activities. He is project leader of HSR-Europe, a network aimed to strengthen the research-policy linkage in the area of health systems and health services research (HSR), based on the FP7 funded project HSREPP (2009-11) for which he was project coordinator. He is also member of the project management team of TO-REACH, a Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action, aimed to develop a European research programme (ERA-NET) on tranferability of good models of care from one setting to the other. In addition, he involved in various health services and workforce research projects, both nationally and internationally and has published among others on research-policy linkage, impact assessment, workforce issues and primary care from a national and international perspective.