
One Health in action: addressing antimicrobial resistance

Innovative farming techniques to advance environmental, human and animal health

Thursday, 28 September 2023 | 08:45-09:45 | Kursaal

Organised by the European Public Health Alliance

Estimations are that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) accounted for 1.2 million deaths in 2019. Lack of effective action could lead up to ten million deaths per year by 2050. As the health of animals, humans, and the environment are interlinked, AMR can only be addressed through collaborative action across all the involved sectors in a One Health approach.

This session will explore and showcase suggestions on how the farming, environment, animal, and human health sectors could work together to promote stewardship and prudent use of antimicrobials.

We aim to identify solutions to enhance and foster partnerships across those sectors. The session will give space to the sector representatives to bring in their perspective, discuss practical challenges but foremost showcase innovative organic farming solutions that allow for the drastic reduction of the use of antimicrobials in farming.

Through short presentations from experts and representatives from the involved sectors, as well as open discussion with the audience, the session will gather evidence-based intelligence for policymakers to aid decision-making to address the overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in animal farming following a One Health approach.

Session Recording



  • Dimitra Panteli, Programme Manager, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

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