Session 9
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 | 12:00-13:15 | Conference Centre
This session examines the evolving role of National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) in addressing the challenges posed by COVID-19, conflicts, and global economic shocks. Building upon the Stockholm Statement, presented at the IANPHI Annual Meeting (2022), NPHIs are encouraged to enhance their capacities in addressing future threats and promoting resilience in health systems and societies. NPHIs need to adapt to new challenges and build new partnerships whilst ensuring the focus is not lost on enduring problems like health inequalities. The session aims to highlight the advantages of recognising reciprocal relationship and co-benefits between health and other policy areas, advocating for a shift in focus in public health policy from health in all policies to health for all policies. Discussions will explore how NPHIs collaboration with other actors (NGOs, academia, private sector, media) and ultimately with policy and decision-makers with an economic perspective, can result in improving the resilience of health care systems and societies.