
Mental health in the South-eastern Europe region

Strengthening the health workforce: improving services and addressing the legacy of conflict

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 | 18:15-19:30 | Conference Centre

Organised by the South-eastern Europe Health Network

Mental health is a key element for health system resilience, to ensure healthy environments for the health workforce, address the ongoing impact of past conflicts, and to advance Universal Health Coverage and reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

This session is an opportunity to:

  • Present the main findings of the regional comparative study on mental health services in the South-eastern Europe (SEE) region
  • Learn about the unique experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina´s post-conflict mental health reforms over the last 20 years
  • Share best practices to address healthcare workers’ mental health issues
  • Explore the role of civil society in the provision of community mental health services 

We look forward to discussing how to strengthen mental health services with a focus on the priority policy actions for supporting the mental health of the health workforce. In view of the SEE region aspirations for EU accession, let's discuss how the EU can best support the mental health reforms for wider benefits across the region.


Session Recording

Speakers & panellists


  • Hristo Hinkov, Minister of Health, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Nathalie Berger, Director for Support to Member States’ Reforms, European Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support
  • Nicolae Jelamschi, Director, National Agency for Public Health, Republic of Moldova
  • Nikolina Jovanovic, Associate Professor, Queen Mary University of London
  • Biljana Lakic, Psychiatrist, University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska, Bosna and Herzegovina
  • Irina Rizvan, Psychologist, Institute for Population and Development, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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