
Data shouldn’t be rocket science, Peter

Improving health data movement in the EU to reduce inequalities

Tuesday, 27 September 2022 | 11:00-12:30 | Kursaal

Organised by Novartis International AG

It has been several decades’ worth of shooting for the moon: why haven’t we made it yet?

Despite the freedom of movement afforded by the EU, care is still defined nationally and locally – by the language, the systems and platforms, and by policies. Data mobility is set to revolutionize European healthcare by enabling individuals to become more active and empowered participants in their future digital lives. But for as many exciting opportunities as there are, precautions must be considered, and the question needs to be addressed why we have not advanced further.

How are we going to control the ownership of data? How will we enable encompassing cross-border data mobility and record sharing? How can we respond to the disparities in existing technological frameworks?

Attendees will be encouraged to discuss how policymakers, governing bodies, patient advocates and industry representatives can best work together to ensure citizens reap the benefits of a digital future, while preserving their privacy.

Session recording



  • Petra Wilson, Co-founder and managing director, Health Connect Partners

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The European Health Forum Gastein has received funding under a project grant from the European Union’s EU4Health programme 2021-2027. Views and opinions expressed on this website are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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