
Access to critical medicines across Europe

Enhancing supply chain resilience and patient reach

Thursday, 26 September 2024 | 16:15-17:30 | Kursaal

Organised by Viatris and Medicines for Europe

With the launch of Critical Medicines Alliance earlier this year, in a context of supply chain vulnerability, this interactive discussion aims to focus on presenting comprehensive solutions to enhancing the resilience of the critical medicines supply chain and improving patient access to medicines across Europe.

By fostering multi-stakeholder participation and dialogue, this session will provide an update on the progress made by the Critical Medicines Alliance to date, ahead of the expected Critical Medicines Act and policy toolbox. Attendees will gain insights into collaborative efforts, innovative strategies, and best practices that address the challenges of stakeholders' concerns, including pricing and reimbursement mechanisms, stockpiling, reshoring, and the impact of geopolitics.

Session Recording


  • Tarik Derrough, Policy Officer, Policy Officer, Medical Countermeasures, DG Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA)
  • Gloria Ghéquière, Adviser Belgian Council Presidency, Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister, Belgian Federal Government
  • Anca Toma, Executive Director, European Patients' Forum
  • Adrian van den Hoven, Director General, Medicines for Europe
  • Walter Van Dyck, Full Professor, Partner & Director of Healthcare Management Centre, Vlerick Management School


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