Press Archive [2022]
26 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 | HYBRID
Three years since the last onsite meeting in the Gastein Valley, the European public health community once more came together in 2022 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) and its first ever hybrid conference. Discussions focused on the challenges and policy options for action urgently needed across sectors, borders, and disciplines at this watershed moment for peace, health, security, and solidarity.
29. September: EU policymakers should prioritise health and well-being ahead of 2024 elections, say experts at the EHFG (All Policies for a Healthy Europe)
29. September: Mitigating the Social and Economic Impacts of Cancer through Policy (MSD)
28. September: Health experts unveil 2030 global priorities for turning the tide on health inequalities alongside new data on expectations of pharma (Porter Novelli)
27. September: The European Health Data Space – A moonshot for a true Health Union (CSL Behring)
26. September: Debate on the affordability of medicines at the European Health Forum Gastein (Affordable Medicines Europe)
Publications 2022
Eurohealth - A moonshot for a true European Health Union - if not now, when?
Clippings 2022
12. October: Brain drain of health workforce challenges EU health systems (Euractiv)
10. October: Ex-Gesundheitskommissar: Kühe sind in Brüssel wichtiger als Gesundheit (Euractiv)
7. October: Former EU health chief: Cooperation between member states still missing (Euractiv)
6. October: Europe’s growing mental health care gap (Politico)
5. October: The many deserts of EU’s healthcare systems (Euractiv)
5. October: Health workers, innovation, financing and wellbeing: moonshots for better health (The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)
4. October: One World, One Health – Tackling the Superbug Challenge (Health Policy Watch)
4. October: WHO: Action against out-of-pocket payments must target most vulnerable (Euractiv)
3. October: Stakeholders Must ‘Fully Engage’ If WHO’s Medicines Access Platform Is To Succeed (Pink Sheet)
30. September: Sanità, le sfide mozzafiato del prossimo assessore (Primocanale)
29. September: Does Prevention Justify Total Control? Data And Ethics During Health Emerhenices (ICT&health)
29. September: Experte fordert Diskussion ethischer Fragen "vor nächster Pandemie" (Kurier)
28. September: Rauch: Weiteres "Alarmschlagen" bei Corona nicht notwendig (Die Presse)
28. September: L’Europa è entrata in una crisi sanitaria permanente e la colpa non è solo del Covid (Quotidiano Sanità)
28. September: Efficiency and Innovation Key to Addressing Europe’s Health System Woes (Health Policy Watch)
28. September: Gemeinsam gegen die multiplen Krisen (
27. September: Kluge (Oms Europa), non esiste un consumo sicuro di alcol (Ansa Salute)
27. September: What's at the stake in the european health data space? (ICT&health)
27. September: Dauerkrise aus Pandemie, Klima und Krieg als "neue Normalität (Austria Presse Agentur)
27. September: The European Region is in a “permacrisis” that stretches well beyond the pandemic, climate change and war (WHO Europe)
27. September: Sorge um psychische Gesundheit in Medizinberufen (Krone Zeitung)
27. September: Invest in Health Workforce to Combat Pandemic, Climate and War, Kluge Appeals (Health Policy Watch)
23. September: A moonshot in healthcare thinking (Euractiv)
23. September: Growing awareness of healthcare workers’ mental health in EU (Euractiv)
21. September: Eight in 10 providers want pharma to solve system inequalities (Medical, Marketing and Media)
15. September: New WHO Access Platform Could Mean Tiered Pricing In Europe (Pink Sheet)
19. September: EU Gears Up For Compulsory Licensing Reform (Pink Sheet)
17. January: High hopes for Europe's new Health Emergency and Response Authority (The BMJ)
27. January: Europe’s #1 cause of death is largely preventable- isn’t it time we take action? (Euractiv)
10. February: Why we need civil society in global health management (The Parliament Magazine)
14. March: Addressing the workforce digital skills gap in Europe (Healthcare IT News)
4. April: Health policy in Europe and the sustainability of health systems (Open Access Government)