
Patient insights for sustainable care – Improving efficiency in care for all

Thursday, 4 October 2018 | 9.00-11.30 | Room 2

Organised by All.Can|Secretariat represented by The Health Policy Partnership

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How can patient perspectives be built into efforts to define and drive sustainability of healthcare systems?

This session follows on from All.Can’s session at EHFG 2017, where we asked what different stakeholders could do to improve efficiency in cancer care. This year we will explore how patient insights and experiences can be converted into evidence to drive policy change, using cancer as a case study for other chronic conditions.

The session will present interim findings from the All.Can patient survey and make patient voices heard – quite literally, as we will hear direct insights from selected participants of the survey through recorded statements. The survey’s interim findings will serve as a basis for round-table discussions, including the opportunity for each table group to present a quick pitch on their ideas surrounding the discussed theme to the audience and panellists. We aim to identify concrete next steps for implementing policy solutions.

Results and ideas from the session will feed into All.Can’s policy engagement activities to be carried out in 2019 and beyond.

Session Recording

Session Recording

Speakers & panellists

keynote by video

LIEVE WIERINCK, Member of European Parliament

Input from

STEFAN GIJSSELS, Executive Director, EuropaColon

YOLANDE LIEVENS, European CanCer Organisation (ECCO)

DIRK VAN DEN STEEN, Policy Officer, DG SANTE, European Commission

DANIEL RATCHFORD, Chief Executive Officer, Quality Health (presentation),

ZEGER VERCOUTEREN, Vice President Government Affairs & Policy, Johnson & Johnson EMEA

XAVIER FRANZ, Director, Varian Western Europe


KATHY OLIVER, Chair and Co-Director, International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA)

Available Biographical Information

NameWierinck, Lieve
CVDownload PDF
NameVan den Steen, Dirk
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NameGijssels, Stefan
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NameLievens, Yolande
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NameRatchford, Daniel
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NameVercouteren, Zeger
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NameOliver, Kathy
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NameFranz, Xavier
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