
Promoting brain health for everyone

Taking a holistic approach to neurological & mental health

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 16:15-17:45 | Kursaal

Organised by the Brain Health Mission, European Academy of Neurology and European Brain Council

According to the latest studies, more than 43% of the global population has a neurological disorder and estimates for mental health are 25%. The combined burden of brain disorders represents a major challenge. This requires a holistic concept of brain health which places an emphasis on prevention, optimising quality of life, and on addressing neurological and psychiatric comorbidities. This session will explore the multifaceted concept of brain health, emphasising its impact on healthcare systems, economic well-being, and societal health.

Building on recent research and initiatives, the session will highlight the importance of integrating brain health into national public health policies. Expert panel discussions will address demographic shifts, economic implications, and innovative policies needed to support brain health. Participants will gain insights from national strategies, such as the Swiss Brain Health Plan, and explore how European-level efforts are shaping the future of brain health.

By bringing together perspectives from science, academia, public sector, and civil society, the session aims to foster collaborative approaches and policy interventions.

Session Recording



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