
Fireside Chat: Long COVID - the neglected pandemic?

Monday, 26 September 2022 | 18:00-19:00 | Conference Centre

Studies have shown that 10–20% of individuals who caught COVID-19 may experience continued symptoms for weeks to months or even years after their original infection, equating to millions of people worldwide. In fact recently published data just from the WHO European Region revealed that 17 million individuals experienced ongoing COVID-19 symptoms for at least three months during the first two years of the pandemic. This phenomenon, known as “Long COVID”, or "Post COVID-19 Condition", has been associated with a range of overlapping symptoms from fatigue, shortness of breath and chest pain, to muscle aches and cognitive dysfunction. The impact on the daily lives of sufferers can be immense - on their mental health, social life and their ability to perform their jobs. While it took considerable time for Long COVID to receive the attention it deserves, there lately seems to be momentum for more concrete action to minimise the economic, social and health consequences of this debilitating condition.

This "fireside chat" session will explore patient experiences of Long COVID, hear how different countries are handling and treating the condition, and give an insight into activities at the European level to raise awareness of Long COVID and drive forward research, treatment and rehabilitation services.

Session recording


Moderated by

  • Martin McKee, Professor of European Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

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