
Europe’s unhealthy and unjust food systems

New policies to promote better food environments

Friday, 27 September 2024 | 09:00-10:00 | Conference Centre

Organised by EuroHealthNet, supported by the European Consumer Organisation, the European Public Health Nutrition Alliance & the University of Heidelberg

Malnutrition, especially excessive weight and obesity, is a leading cause of chronic and non-communicable diseases. A major determinant of this problem is systemic, as individuals have easy access to and overconsume ultra-processed foods with high fat, sugar and salt content (HFSS), while they struggle to access nutrient-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, healthy fats and sustainable sources of protein.

For decades, measures to address this issue have narrowly focused on individual behaviour but there is now overwhelming evidence that malnutrition is the result of a systemic problem. Therefore, systemic policies to make the healthy choice the easiest choice, to identify and change unhealthy food environments, and address food system power imbalances are in urgent need. In this session, we will explore some of the policies needed to transition towards a healthier food system that provides an equal opportunity for all to enjoy their right to nutritious food and health.

Session Recording



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